[Hauptseite] / [CTable]
Class CTable : CHtmlControl
  New  As CTable
  New (defaultColumnCount As Integer) As CTable
  New (columnCount As Integer, rowCount As Integer) As CTable
  Function Add(row As CTableRow) As Integer
  Function Add(obj As Object) (geerbt)
  Function AddRow() As CTableRow
  Function AddRow(columns As Integer) As CTableRow
  Property BackImageUrl As String
  Property BgColor As String
  Property Border As Integer
  Property BorderColor
  Property CellPadding As Integer
  Property CellSpacing As Integer
  Property Controls As CHtmlControlList (geerbt)
  Static Function CoordsOfCell(cell As CTableCell) As SPoint
  Function CopyTo(array As Array, index As Integer) (geerbt)
  Property Count As Integer (geerbt)
  Property CssClass As String (geerbt)
  Property DefaultColumnCount As Integer
  Function DeleteEmptyTableCells(tableRow As CTableRow, setColumnSpan As Boolean)
  Function DeleteEmptyTableCells(setColumnSpan As Boolean)
  Property Events As CHtmlEventList (geerbt)
  Function GetEnumerator() As IEnumerator (geerbt)
  Property GuiControl As IGuiControl (geerbt)
  Function HasControls() As Boolean (geerbt)
  Property Height As String (geerbt)
  Function HideBorders()
  Property HorizontalAlign (geerbt)
  Property ID As String (geerbt)
  Property InnerText As String (geerbt)
  Function Insert(index As Integer, text As String) (geerbt)
  Function Insert(index As Integer, child As CHtmlControl) (geerbt)
  Property IsSynchronized As Boolean (geerbt)
  Property Item(index As Integer) As CTableRow
  Property Item(index As Integer) As CHtmlControl (geerbt)
  Function Merge(cell As CTableCell, lenX As Integer, lenY As Integer)
  Function Merge(cellFrom As CTableCell, cellTo As CTableCell)
  Function Merge(columnIndex As Integer)
  Function Merge(columnIndex As Integer, rowStart As Integer, lenY As Integer)
  Function Merge(from As SPoint, lenX As Integer, lenY As Integer)
  Function Merge(row As CTableRow)
  Function Merge(row As CTableRow, startCellInex As Integer, lenX As Integer)
  Function Merge(from As SPoint, to As SPoint)
  Property Parent As CHtmlControl (geerbt)
  Function RemoveEmtpyColumns(scanFromRow As Integer, scanToRow As Integer, scanFromColumn As Integer, scanToColumn As Integer, defaulCHtml As String)
  Property RenderNoEndTag As Boolean (geerbt)
  Function Reverse() (geerbt)
  Property Rows As CTableRowCollection
  Function Select(columnIndex As Integer, startRowIndex As Integer, count As Integer) As CControlTableCell
  Function Select(columnIndex As Integer, startRowIndex As Integer) As CControlTableCell
  Function Select(row As CTableRow) As CControlTableCell
  Function Select() As CControlTableCell
  Function Select(columnIndex As Integer) As CControlTableCell
  Function Select(cell As CTableCell) As CControlTableCell
  Function Select(row As CTableRow, columnIndex As Integer, len As Integer) As CControlTableCell
  Function Select(from As SPoint, to As SPoint) As CControlTableCell
  Function SelectEmtpyCells() As CControlTableCell
  Function Sort(comparer As IComparer) (geerbt)
  Property Style As CHtmlStyleCollection (geerbt)
  Property SyncRoot As Object (geerbt)
  Property TagName As String (geerbt)
  Property ToolTip As String (geerbt)
  Property VerticalAlign (geerbt)
  Property Visible As Boolean (geerbt)
  Property Width As String (geerbt)
